Day 905 Sunday June 30, 2019
491 Days until the 2020 election and 569 days until the Inauguration
Megan Rapino and Obstruction of Justice
Ah yes, Megan Rapino, the co-captain of the Untied States soccer team. The woman who said, “I’m not going to the fucking White House.”
Well this seems to have folks on the right incensed. Imagine that? She should resign from the team! She won’t put her hand on her heart during the playing of the National Anthem! The outrage. The discourtesy! How could one be so disloyal. How indeed?
I have a problem too. It’s not with Ms Rapino, but with others.
Let me summarize from volume II of the Mueller Report of the evidence of Obstruction of Justice.
There are multiple times when the president or his associates obstructed justice.
This is breaking the law as opposed to what some see as Ms Rapino’s disrespect for the country.
So I have a problem with people in office, and in this case high office, who break the law.
Well, wait a second you say, he says he didn’t break the law and that there is no evidence that he did.
To which I say Bull Shit.
There are at least ten cases in the Mueller Report that clearly show Trump and his cronies met every legal requirement under the United States Code of Obstruction of Justice.
The specific law is known as 18 U.S.C. 152(c). Mueller hones in on subsection (2) of 18 U.S.C. 152(c) but here’s all of section 18 U.S.C. 152(c):
(c) Whoever corruptly—
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
You can google it for yourself.
Under this law anyone who obstructs an investigation, regardless of whether a crime has been committed is guilty (a la Martha Stewart). Or in the case of Micheal Cohen, there was a crime committed. A crime he was directed to do by the president. For which he is serving time in prison.
Mueller lists with all the evidence needed to satisfy every part of 18 U.S.C. 152(c)(2) of at least ten cases of Obstruction of Justice.
Here’s a quick run down of two of them:
1. Trump made repeated efforts to have McGahn as White House Counsel fire the Special Counsel. He, Trump, then lied that he had done so. There is no question that this happened.
2. Trump repeatedly tried to have the investigation into Flynn’s conduct stopped and then signaled to Flynn’s lawyers and Flynn that he should consider changing his testimony. This is witness tampering. Again, there is no question that this went on.
2 (2nd part) Manafort and Gates were indicted on federal crimes. Trump’s personal lawyers told them they “were going to be taken care of.” This is witness tampering and obstruction of justice. Again, there is no question as to whether this happened.
(BTW since the Mueller Report was issued it has now come to light that Sean Hannity of Fox News, who enjoys a close personal relationship with the president, had been in constant contact with Manafort. We know that Hannity speaks almost daily with Trump. You think this wasn’t discussed? )
2 (3rd part) Harm to an ongoing matter (redacted).
Okay so let me stop here with the possible Obstruction of Justice claims against a sitting president of the United States and let us compare this to Ms Rapino’s behavior. OMG. How can these people be so upset at a soccer player for expressing herself when the man in charge of our country has committed these crimes?
Meanwhile, in other news the president met with his boss and handler, Vladimir Putin. They had a secret meeting where I’m sure Vlad told his puppy what to do next. They had a photo-op where our president joked about “fake news.” Putin said they have it too. Except in Russia they imprison and kill them – ha ha pretty funny.
Meanwhile, Jared is playing diplomat and sidling up to MBS the man who had a Washington Post reporter dismembered.
What’s not to like?
491 Days until the 2020 election and 569 days until the Inauguration
PS What are you looking at?