Wednesday January 20, 2021 ( Electoral College Certification Day -16,
Insurrection Day -16,
Georgia Senate Election -17 )
Election Day -80
Inauguration Day on January 20, 2021
Always classless, petty, and tacky to the end Satan couldn’t even give a goodbye speech without a lie, and there was really only one possible fact in the whole thing.
But he’s gone for now.
Now what?
Fortunately, for you, I know.
(We will hunt them down like dogs … )
No. Sorry, where was I? President Biden called for unity. Okay, I’ll go for that. But let us not be naive. Let us not give and give and to “reach across the aisle” so far that we loss what it is we want. Let us remember what happened to President Obama and his health care bill. How he gave in over and over again to try and get the Republicans to go along and then they voted against it. Not only that but the things they asked for and got they then went to courts to say those exact things they asked for were unconstitutional.
I had not realized until the other day that Lincoln’s “House Divided” speech was not one of patching one house together, but it was a speech that said, “Time to choose.” Either you are with one house or the other. Either you were for slavery or not. There was no middle ground. Time to choose.
We are at an inflection point. People will have to choose. Will they join us, or will they not? Time to choose.
Either the Republicans can join and help us heal the country or they can bitch and whine. Time to choose.
Choose wisely.
And may I say, “Let us never forget.”
Traitors should be hunted down and justice meted out.