Thursday, June 30, 2022
It’s been three days since Ms Hutchinson gave her testimony. We are in the phase where lawyers and experts are explaining the significance of what she said.
Let’s start with the one thing various fake news outlets are jumping up and down about – The Beast.
The Beast is the name given to the Presidential Limo. These fake news pundits and their coterie of “I’m not a news person I’m an opinionist” are saying it would be near impossible for anyone in the back of that limo to reach the driver’s steering wheel. Ah yes. Maybe so. But others who have ridden with past presidents point out that the vehicle Liz Chaney showed in the hearing was not The Beast but a Suburban. Now if the ex-president had been getting into a Chevy Suburban instead of The Beast it would be relatively easy to lunge over the seat and try to grab the wheel. In fact, most moms point out that their four year olds try to do it regularly. And the ex-president acting as a four year old? … well, need I say more?
Okay, I’ll say more.
What Ms Hutchinson’s testimony has done, say the lawyers, is connect the players. We thought we knew, but now we know. The connection has been made from The Chief of Staff for The President, Mark Meadows, all the way to the war room at The Willard Hotel. This connects Meadows to Stone, Bannon, Giuliani, The Proud Boys, and The Oathkeepers. According to lawyers this does not connect Trump directly. So ya got ask, “Given Trump’s sticking his nose into every little detail and not letting anything be done without his approval is there anyway he didn’t know?” To actually make the connection they’ll need Meadows to testify.
During the 2nd Impeachment many charges were made based on circumstantial evidence, now these charges are being made on direct evidence. If so Trump faces six or seven separate Federal charges. Most carry a five year imprisonment. Sedition carries twenty.
Now here’s perhaps the most compelling part of Ms Hutchinson’s testimony. The ex-president knew the mob was armed on Federal property (an offense.) He didn’t care because he knew “They aren’t coming for me.” So much for the “lotta love” defense, or the “I’d didn’t know” defense. He also then directed the mob to go to the Capital. He wanted to go too.
Here’s something I didn’t know. The Secret Service is sworn to protect democracy, whatever that means, but let’s game this out.
Suppose Trump actually went to the Capital and the mob was attacking the police. Let’s say that the Secret Service detail of Vice President Pence got into a tussle with the mob and ended up face to face with the ex-president’s detail. What would they do?
Okay. Here’s another one. It is one I’ve always wondered about. Why didn’t the police at the Capital fire on the crowd? The answer is that they knew the crowd was armed with AR15s. The police were outgunned. Imagine if a firefight had broken out? First off we’d be seeing blood on the Capital steps. Secondly, the police could have been slaughtered and the mob could have been free to roam the building searching for Pence and Pelosi and anyone else.
Okay. back to Ms Hutchinson. Trump says he barely knew her and uses all the phrases he always uses when he is disparaging a woman. I make the point that it’s a woman because he has different phrases of disparagement for men. Others have said she was just a glorified coffee girl. Really? That’s why she knew all the top players on a first name basis?
When you’re Chief of Staff and you want to go to the Willard Hotel to consult with the coup plotters who ya gonna tell so the Secret Service can make the arrangements? Cassidy Hutchinson.
And isn’t it ironic that a 25 year old on basically her first job assignment after college advises this guy. “That’s not a good idea.”
When the president tell the mob he’s marching with them to the Capital who ya gonna call if you’re Minority Speaker of the House and you want to make sure it ain’t happening? Cassidy Hutchinson. “Kevin, that decision has already been made.” (ie He’s not going. Got it Kevin?)
When the ex-president has a hissy fit and throws his food who helps clean it up? Yeah.
When the Secret Service head of the detail needs help who does he call upon?
Who knows better than anyone else who saw the president, when, and what documents were presented to him? Ditto for the Chief of Staff.
Now we get to the reason, I think, they rushed to get this woman’s testimony is witness intimidation. Liz Chaney read and displayed a number of messages that some witnesses have received. She didn’t say who sent them, but they read like a mob boss trying to demand “loyalty.” Hum, who could it be sending these messages? Oh wait, Michael Cohen got messages like this from Donald Trump. In fact, the same phrases were used. Prosecutors, I am told, don’t believe in coincidences. This shot across the bow was aimed directly at you-know-who. I don’t think the shot was aimed across the bow, more like midships.
Carry on.
I’ll be in touch.