Thursday December 31, 2020 (New Years Eve)

Election Day -58
21 Days until the Inauguration on January 20, 2021
I have discovered that the last three posts were off by one hundred days.
Recent posts #1345, 1349, 1350 should have been #1445, 1449, 1450.
Regret the error? Naw. Screw it. Ever onward!
I am, as the topic title suggests turning over a new leaf, at least for a bit.
Some folks have said I’m a liberal or a progressive; as if to suggest that’s a bad thing.
So I think it’s time to switch teams and embrace Trumpism and the hatefulness of Stephen Miller – at least for this screed. I think it’s time to be a mean spirited vindictive little shit.
And so here’s my wish list for the new year:
I wish to see Stephen Miller seized by Homeland Security in the middle of the night and taken to an undisclosed location where he is given the comfort of a nice mylar blanket and soft concrete. No pillow Stephen. We aren’t pussies. No it’s not a cage. It’s a personal confinement space. You might be in Texas, hard to say isn’t it? Oh well. Yes, the walls are chain link fence. So what? Consider it like summer camp. Isn’t that what some folks in the administration said?
Oh here come Eric and Donnie and Ivanka and Jared how nice. Don’t worry about your children they were ripped from your arms in the middle of the night and placed in the care of Homeland Security who handed them off to HHS that didn’t lose the paperwork, because there was no paperwork.
We aren’t sure what to charge you with if anything so we’ll send you off to Guantanamo Bay where you can hang out with some muslim brothers. Learn to throw feces and curse in Arabic. It will be great.
Then there Michael Flynn. I like Colin Powell’s idea. Haul Flynn in front of a military tribunal for sedition.
Maybe, he can get a taste of Bill Barr’s willingness to execute people before their due process has run out. Don’t worry, only the most heinous will get executed. Oh wait, we said screw it – kill ‘em all. Sorry Mikey.
Then there’s Don and Betsy and all the enablers. What to do with them? Maybe turn them over to Blackwater?
So many options. So little time.
PS Soup? For New Years?