Saturday October 31, 2020
3 Days until the election on November 3rd
83 Days until the Inauguration on January 20, 2021
Happy Halloween and Day of the Dead
Now, down to business. Many people are afraid to make a prediction. Not me. I think Biden will win with one of the greatest margins in history. I think he will get 405 Electoral votes. He will clinch the election on the evening of November 3rd when Florida releases their early vote totals. The Republicans and their operatives will try everything they can think of to steal the election. They will have gotten their judges to say they won’t count votes received after 8pm on Election Day. Then when the election day votes are so overwhelming they will say they will count them. Then when those totals are so overwhelming they will say the election is rigged and Satan will try to throw it into the House so each state gets one vote, but it will fail because by then all the other states’ totals will be coming in and the three key swing states that Hillary lost by less then 1% will all go to Biden by 2 to 6%. That’s Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
But it will get worse for Satan. He will have lost Florida, Arizona, and North Carolina.
He will loss Georgia and Iowa, possibly Texas and Ohio. (I say he loses them too.)
In fact he will lose every swing state and most of the “leaning Republican” states too. Maybe, all of them. If so Biden wins with 405.
The question for me becomes what happens in the Senate? I think the Dems will have 54 seats, maybe one more. I predict Ernst will lose in Iowa. Why? Because she’s an idiot. She’s in a debate in Iowa and she didn’t know the price of soybeans. Iowa has corn and soy beans. If you are running for a seat, any seat in that state you better know the price of corn and soy beans. She tried to fake it in her debate. Idiot. I do wish that when she made her motorcycle trip that a few older gentlemen had ridden up next to her in their Harleys with flags saying “Ridin’ with Biden”.
I also wish that someone had thought to send buses to the people stranded in the subzero temperatures after the Trump rally. Buses sent from Joe Biden with big signs on the side saying, “Joe Won’t Leave You Out in the Cold.”
Ah me.
Okay so in the Senate Graham loses in South Carolina. Both seats in Georgia go Democratic. Did you see Jon Ossoff take apart his racist anti-Semitic opponent in one debate? Oh man, check it out. His opponent, David Perdue, decided not to debate Ossoff again. Smart move. I mean if you get your ass handed to you once, why go back for seconds? Ossoff wasn’t subtle either. He called Perdue out for making posters of Ossoff having a longer nose then he really had trying to play up his Jewish heritage. He reminded Perdue that the Senator had done nothing about the Corona virus and maybe that was because he was too busy fending off those allegations about insider trading. Yeah. The other Republican senator is that woman appointed who made a ton of money off the insider information about how bad the virus was going to be. I’m sorry. Excuse me. She didn’t make the money. Her husband did. Nothing to see here folks. I hope they both go down.
I got a fund raising email from Jon Cornyn, the Republican Senator from Texas. The one with the white hair that always comes in with something he heard on Fox News or some right-wing site. He wants money “to keep Texas red.” Red, Johnny? What kind of red are we talkin’ here? Red, like Russian red? You lame ass bastard. You didn’t impeach Satan when you had the chance. Now pay the price. I’ll send you money. Two cents. I’ll put a check in the mail. You should get it in time for your burial.
Speaking of the post office, a recent study came out that said some of the mail sorting machines were sabotaged to make sure they wouldn’t work. I hope the thugs who did that are found and put on trial for destroying government property. Surprisingly, the first class mail is slow in certain areas. Mainly, black areas that vote Democratic. Who could have seen that coming?
Speaking of black areas, a recent survey in Mississippi reported that the health department found black area of the state were highly infected and the health department did a media campaign to encourage people to wear masks. They did and the virus went down – in those areas. They tried to do it in the white areas and it failed. No one was gonna tell them what to do. Hey, guess what? The rate of infection in white area in Mississippi went up! Huh? Wonder why?
Seems the Republicans are running the same old ads to try and get elected: “Don’t vote for my opponent. They are going to raise your taxes! Socialism! AOC! Pelosi! Bad.”
That’s it. That’s their campaign. What they don’t mention is they cut taxes. Not for you, but for the rich. They don’t do anything for you. Ya know, like help you fight the virus, raise your kids, or get you a decent wage. They let the gun nuts run loose killing people. And, this is the big one they hate to be reminded of – THEY SPEND MORE MONEY THEN DEMOCRATS. It was Bill Clinton who reminded people that the biggest complaint the Republicans have about the Democrats is “they don’t clean up the mess fast enough.” Remember the looming recession when Obama took over? Remember GM was about to go under? Remember the war started in Iraq that had nothing to do with Bin Laden? Remember that W and Cheney didn’t care where Bin Laden was?
Who saved GM?
Who restored the economy?
Who found Bin Laden?
I tell you who didn’t. The Republicans.
Now let’s look at Texas. Jon Cornyn wants to keep Texas red and by that I’m assuming in control of the Republicans. Lemme ask you all a question, “When was the last time the state of Texas worked?”
It was when Ann Richards was governor. Before she was governor she was the state’s treasurer. She modernized the state’s systems and had audits of every agency. As governor she oversaw the inclusion of women and minorities in government. The state was functioning pretty well. There were problems but they were on the mend. Then what happened?
George W. Bush came in and did what Republicans always do. Cut taxes, cut services, put the government in a hole and say, “Sorry we need to screw over the poor and help the rich.” After Bush came Perry. Now Perry is not a bright guy. Remember he decided to wear plain lens glasses to make himself look smart? So he cut a deal with Waste Management to allow them to dump nuclear waste on the Texas New Mexico border. This will be fine, until the plastic sheet splits and ruins the water aquifer for five or six states for ten thousand years, but hey, Rick got a big campaign donation so what the heck?
Now Texas has Greg Abbott and Tom Cruz and a bunch of other Trump Republican toadies. No masks, soaring infection rates, anti-abortion laws, soaring STDs and unwanted pregnancies – who knew? Way to go Texas.
It seems much of the populace has woken up and decided to get them out. The damage they have done is enormous. It will take decades to repair if at all. The only hope is to stay vigilant and hope the Dems don’t lose their spines.
3 Days until the election on November 3rd
83 Days until the Inauguration on January 20, 2021
3 Days to go!
PS Polls showing Biden in 2020 vs 2016 polls for six states
3 Days to go!