Sunday December 26, 2021
Happy St Stephen’s Day!
In oral arguments about the Mississippi law designed to skirt Federal law and to allow vigilantes to hunt down women who are pregnant seeking an abortion and anyone helping them Brett Kavanaugh asked, why should we The Supreme Court get involved?
This was, I guess, some sort of fig leaf to say they weren’t involved. I mean this was the whole reason he and that nutty religious woman and several others were put on the Court – to overturn Roe. Now, he’s trying to act like if they do nothing the Court remains neutral.
This is as disingenuous as the questioning during the oral arguments. But the woman defending Roe answer olde Brett. By saying basically the question is – do women have a right to their bodies or not? It’s a pretty simple yes or no question. Get rid of all the rhetoric and postulating and beliefs and that’s the question.
When Roe was decided the opinion of the court was around that question and a woman’s right to privacy.
If the court let’s the Mississippi law stand, and it looks like they will then states are free to draft similar laws which skirt federal authority. Gavin Newsome in California says he will do this around guns. He’ll let people sue someone who has a gun be sued.
The unfortunate thing is that we used to be a nation that was based on laws. Laws that were based on the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and the idea that judges and politicians, especially U.S. Senators were people acting in good faith. Today’s Republican Party has swept all that aside, as has the Supreme Court.
It’s so bad the Mitch McConnell admits that they, The Republican Party aren’t running on anything in the next election, I.e. they don’t stand for anything. They have no ideas, no policies there isn’t even the gloss that they want to help anyone. They are bought and paid for by special interests. Our democracy hangs in the balance.
We know who the enemy is. We have been looking in the mirror for decades.
It’s way past time to do something.