Wednesday March 31, 2021
I turned on the TV midday to watch one of my archaeology shows. The George Floyd trial was on. The young woman who was one of three who videoed the incident was testifying. The video was as bad as it gets. The woman was seventeen at the time. She was going to the store on the corner, called The Cup Store, to get a charger cable. She saw Floyd in the gutter with three policemen with their knees on his body. One had a knee on his neck. People were clearly heard pleading with the policemen to let him up. Instead the policeman with his knee on Floyd’s neck put more weight on it. There was a point just before that where he seemed to be letting up and then coming down again, like pumping.
I’ve heard the defense is going to say this policeman was a nineteen year veteran and this was normal police training and that Floyd died from other causes. Okay, I’ll give the defense the benefit of the doubt. I suggest we prove their case. Let’s return to the scene, cuff the defendant with his hands behind his back, make him lie face down in the street, and let three black men do the same thing on him that he did to Floyd. I mean it’s normal procedure, right? So he should be alive after that. If so let’s check him for witchery.
My god. You can’t watch that video and wonder what was that cop with his knee on the man’s neck thinking? At no point did Floyd resist. He was sitting in his car across the street when they came over and told him to get out of his car.
Later an EMT who happened on the scene and demanded to help was refused. The defense attorney, in his dickishness, said “just answer my questions.” Hey, she was reliving the incident and you are demanding? You cut her off. I get it. You didn’t want to hear the whole thing. The truth. She said she witnessed someone being killed.
A mixed martial arts fellow said he was witnessing a murder.
There was a nine year old girl who testified. I didn’t see or hear that. Apparently, the defense didn’t ask her any questions. What are you going to ask that a nine year old wouldn’t answer in a way that made it plain and simple?
The young woman that was going to the Cup Store says she has not been back to that store or that intersection. She doesn’t want to relive what she saw.

Moving on. We get to Matt Gaetz. He’s under investigation for sex trafficking. He was framed he says. Yeah? What else would you say? I was doing what they allege? I didn’t know she was 17? Wait. She’s “a friend of the family.” You were porking your friend’s daughter? Just answer the question yes or no.
Then it turns out he got into a twitter spat with another representative. A Republican congressman who voted to impeach Donald. Matty didn’t like that and so went after the guy who was in the panhandle of Florida on National Guard duty. Gaetz made fun of that fellow. You know the guy who served in Iraq and Afganistan? The guy who fought and disarmed a knife wielding man who slit a woman’s throat? Yeah Matt. Good move. The woman survived the attack btw.
Meanwhile I have to ask the good people of Georgia, Florida, Texas, Wyoming, Mississippi, North and South Dakota who ya gonna believe your governor or the head of the CDC when it comes to protecting yourself and others?
Special shout out to Gov Ron of Florida who has actively tried to prevent local authorities in that state from issuing mask mandates or from demanding that people show their vaccination card before entering a restaurant or bar. Good move Ron. You can kill a few more before it’s over.
Reports are now coming out that Fauci and Birx were playing good cop – bad cop with Trump, but in a child like way because he was so dumb that’s the best they could do to keep him from doing something really stupid.
There are also reports that the Pentagon tried another tactic – giving Donald an alternative that was so egregious even he would recognize it and pick another, more sane one. Guess what happened? Yeah. They didn’t do that again.
Unfortunately, he met with Putin who gave him other ideas.
PS Temple of The Seven Dolls* and Pano of Dzibilchaltun
- So named because they discover seven small figurines in the building.