Wednesday April 28, 2021
I got to thinking about the supposed recount effort in Arizona. Some guy or group calling themself “The Cyber Ninja” is going to reveal The Truth! In Arizona by recounting the ballots in Maricopa County because in his/their opinion something must be wrong because, well, Satan – I mean Trump – did not win, and that can not be. So the Trumpy Republicans in the legislature gave this guy $165,000 to recount the ballots. Forget the fact that they have no experience doing a recount. Forget the fact that they were given instructions as to what to do to safeguard the ballots and didn’t follow any of it. Forget the fact that they are doing most of it in secret so no one really knows what they are doing. Except, except for one reporter who pointed out to their head honcho that his people had blue pens. That’s a real no-no in a recount because someone could use their blue pen to change a ballot. Huh? He didn’t know that. So to be clear what ever happens now DOESN’T MATTER BECAUSE THE CYBER NINJA AND THEIR TEAM HAVE RUINED THE BALLOTS. We don’t know if the marks on the ballots were put there by voters or by Cyber Ninja team members in an attempt to overturn the election results.
This morning I was doing my morning meditation, which typically involves unloading the dishwasher. Today I added preparing strawberries for freezing. I take out the top and then cut the berry in half and place it on a piece of parchment paper on a baking sheet which I put in the freezer before vacuum sealing. I’ve gotten into artfully arranging the half berries on the sheet. This allowed me time to think about the strawberries and the Cyber Ninja. What can he do now? He’s said there was a massive fraud in Arizona and he was going to find out the truth. The problem for him is the truth is – there was no fraud. The ballots have been counted and audited and I forget what else.

Berry You
He is doing whatever he is doing in secret as much as possible. The right wing news channel OAN, which has also been screaming about how Satan won and Biden didn’t has been allowed to put a camera on the operation, which is taking place in an arena. You can watch people wandering around. Except for the backroom where the team is looking at the voting machines.
Let’s be clear, whatever these folks are doing it’s not a recount. I think they are faced with the problem of “What are they doing?” and this leads to what are we going to do?
Do you remember playing Trivial Pursuit and some question came up and one team member yells “I know the answer!” and they do it with such authority that everyone defers to them? They yell out their answer and it’s wrong.
Like: “Rubies!” “Wrong! Diamonds!”
Then there’s that quizzical talking to themselves moment as the game continues – “Diamonds? How can it be diamonds? It’s rubies.” Then they either give up on the answer or they talk to themself some more and come to the conclusion that they didn’t understand or completely understand the question. “Well, if the question had said … then the answer would have been rubies…”
Yeah, well see this is the painted corner the old Cyber Ninja finds himself in. I guess he was hoping to either find something terribly amiss or he was hoping to use the blue pens to change enough ballots to claim fraud. Or the other possibility was he didn’t have any idea what he would do and now he’s hoping to quietly let it all go away and he can keep the money and move on to the next thing. Maybe, he can inspect the meat Joe Biden didn’t say he didn’t like? I dunno.
So what does this have to do with strawberries? You asked. I’ll tell you.
You can read the future by looking at the pattern of the strawberries. This is so obvious, and everyone know it, that I won’t explain it to you. That would be insulting to your intelligence. (Obviously, I think you are either very wise, or very stupid. You be the judge.)
I can tell you this. As I was meditating on the strawberries I thought of the song, “What did the Fox Say?”
Who give a sh*t what he said?
If you look closely at the sheet you will see that every strawberry is cut in half but one. Only a genius can find that one.
Do not let the chain go unbroken send this to five of your friends and two of your enemies.
Don’t let the curse be upon you.
I gotta go.