Sunday September 27, 2020
35 Days until the election on November 3rd
115 Days until the Inauguration on January 20, 2021
I have a friend. He is trying to get his mother of off Fox News. He did some research. Turns out, Fox News is addictive. By stoking anger the brain releases dopamine or whatever chemical it is like what Oxycotin stimulates. It’s highly addictive.
Finally, I have an answer. I couldn’t understand how or why someone would continually listen to that crap, now I have an answer. They are addicts.
Fortunately, I have a solution. Frontal lobotomies – Come one. They aren’t using their brains anyway. And, of course, castration and forced sterilization. What’s the big deal? Most of them are past child bearing age anyway.
I had thought that people on the right had different views on problems, and I guess you could say they do, but not in the traditional sense of “How do you solve the problem?” No that’s not it at all. It’s, as Bob Woodward so aptly titled his latest book, RAGE.
Nothing else matters. Any issue is only important if it instills anger. Solutions? Forget about it. Can we agree on the problems? Ha.
The local Republican congressman up here in Maine is a fellow called Dale Crafts. Dale is an older white guy. Big surprise, I know. He’s running against Jared Golden, who is young a military vet, drives a pickup, says he won’t take corporate money, and works for the folks in Maine. Golden is hardly liberal. He has been quoted as saying he thinks Trump is a strong leader. (Whether that is really true or some disinformation I haven’t checked into.)
Jared has been running ads the whole month we’ve been up here. He’s been stressing his hard working family values military background. He’s talked about what he has done for the people of Maine. There are testimonials from people in Maine saying how he has helped them. How he helped keep jobs in Maine at, for example, the famous Bath Ship Works.
I hadn’t seen anything from Crafts, until this weekend. What was his ad? Black and white reverse negative pictures of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes with yellow lightning bolt like lettering and images of Golden mixed in. “Did you know Jard Golden has voted with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes? Socialism! I’m Dale Crafts. I approve this message.”
Yeah, that was pretty much it.
Nothing about what Craft has done. Nothing about helping folks. Just RAGE.
And is that enough? Maybe, for 29-40% of the folks who seem to stick with Trump no matter what.
If I were Golden I’d start running ads asking “Craft what’s he done?”, “What’s he got?” And then I’d throw in a few things like “Craft supports Coved 19. He wants enough of you to die so he won’t have to. He never served in the military like I have. He’s a pussy.”
Now, I have no idea if Craft served in the military or if he supports the stupid Herd Immunity idea. But so what? Facts don’t matter to those people. Only rage. So be more outRAGEous.
Moving on. Did you see Fauci put Rand Paul in his place? Quiet, but effective. I have to wonder about Paul. I mean he’s claims to be a board certified ophthalmologist. He had to create his own board to certify himself. He didn’t go to the regular board of ophthalmology. Doesn’t it make you wonder why? And then there’s the leaf blowing incident with his neighbor. I mean what do you do with a leaf blower and blowing leaves that so infuriates your next door neighbor that he comes over and beats the shit out of you crack three ribs?
Well, I guess if you’ve listened to Rand or his dad Ron and their nutty economic ideas and combine it with the fact that Rand is whatever he is socially (inept? dysfunctional? mal-a-somthing?) inappropriate. You begin to understand. I guess.
There are just so many like him on the Republican side of the aisle. Ted Cruz? The most hated man in the Senate. Lindsey Graham? The puppy dog, ass licker. Mitch McConnell? I don’t know of one piece of legislation that he has passed that has done anything to help regular people. I mean their must be some, but all he does is put conservative, and oftentimes unqualified but conservative, people in lifetime judgeships. Other than that, and passing give-away packages to the rich, what has he done? Thuyne? Barrasso? He stands behind McConnell at press announcements. Ernst? The castrating pig squealer? The only one I’ve heard equaling is her at a town hall that she ran away from. Blackburn? I give her the title of Dumbest Woman in the Senate. (Collins gets Most Naive.) Blunt, Boozman, Braun? What have any of them done? Collins, Cornyn, Cotton? There’s a trio of folks who have stood in the way of more good ideas than I can list. Cotton spouts right wing crazy talk all the time. Take the last “n” off of Cornyn and you’ve got what he’s about. Crapo? Take off the “o”. Enzi? A guy elected to the Senate with fewer votes than a district council person in California gets, and loses by. Fischer? Never heard of her. Grassley? Imhoufe? Johnson? Kennedy? Lee? Lankford? The only time I’ve ever heard from any of these folks is when they are saying or doing something stupid. Loeffler? Ms “I didn’t sell on insider information. My husband did.”
I had to stop. I read over the names of all of them and can’t find a single one that I know of that has done anything but get in the way and or say something outrageously stupid.
But there I go getting upset and thinking they want to do something. They don’t. They need to be called out. They need to be voted out. We need to get rid of the addicts and the people they elect.

PS The house* from the water – medium low tide. Dean is in the kayak lower left. “Did you get a picture of me?” “Yes, of course.”
35 Days until the election on November 3rd
115 Days until the Inauguration on January 20, 2021