Sunday January 31, 2021
I can generally tell when it’s going to snow by my nose. Not by smell but by the temperature and the humidity combined. It’s a special sensation. Once snow starts to fall it’s magical. There’s a coolness but not a coldness like there was before it started. It’s quiet. It’s a beautiful silence as everything gets wrapped in white. Ah me.
Will the traitors and insurrectionists be treated according to what typically happens to traitors and insurrectionists? We’ll have to wait and see. I read somewhere that people can only stand to listen to Ted Cruz for four seconds before turning him off. This gives me an idea of how to beat him in his next election. That is if he isn’t kicked out of the Senate. Let him talk! I’d run ads where I’d have Ted talk. A Ted Talk? Far from it. I keep hearing that Cruz is smart and a master debater, but I have yet to see it. I mean he couldn’t even parry a kid saying to him, “You suck!” so I’m a little mystified at the claims of his intelligence. I also want to understand why he was never charged with criminal trespass after he crossed police barriers during the government shutdown that he caused during the Obama years because I personally called the police to report him.
I think we need to rethink our approach to the idea of free speech and the right to bear arms and probably a few other things, but those two would be a welcome relief. With technology the way it is today I don’t think we should allow some moron (or an intelligent person for that matter) to wander around in public with a device that can kill everyone they can see within seconds. I also don’t think we should allow people to spread lies and falsehoods to millions of people under the guise of free speech. If you are going to make some idiotic statement and it is believed by millions than I think at some point you have to back it up with fact. This would go for religion as well. Hum. Problem. But then I think that churches should be taxed, just on their physical property. I’m not advocating a tax on heaven. I’m a rational guy. Believe me!
Did you see or hear about the anti-vexers who shut down Dodger Stadium where they were giving out vaccination shots? OMG! I think those people should be rounded up and infected. Okay, that’s going a bit far. But let us put the non-believers in interment camps so they can’t bother the rest of us.
As I said, I’m a rational guy.