Day 1198 What Does Trump Do All Day?
Thursday April 30, 2020
185 Days until the election on November 3rd

265 Days until the Inauguration on January 20, 2021
I’ve been wondering what does Trump do all day and this led me to an analysis of what I know about his daily schedule and the results of actions he has taken.
It is reported that he watches TV in the morning, notably Fox and Friends. He shows up at the working part of the White House a little before noon. Oftentimes I have read that he has lunch with the Vice President. I see pictures of him sitting on one of two yellow gold chairs with some foreign dignitary. I assume those ceremonies are held in the early afternoon. There is then the daily Corona virus pep rally, which goes on for two hours or so. This takes place around 4 o’clock.
Then I assume he goes home, meets with a few folks, has dinner, watches TV, tweets, goes to bed and gets up the next day to do it all over again.
This means that he has a little bit of time to do something presidential in the afternoon each day.
What else do we know? We know he doesn’t read his Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB). This is the daily threat assessment. This is the main piece of intelligence prepared for a president since Truman. This is telling the president what he or she needs to pay attention to in order to keep the people of the United States safe. To not read this is a dereliction of duty and shows a complete lack of leadership – so say people who prepare this document and those who have worked in the government at this level before.
I think the president has a reading problem. I don’t think he can read. When I’ve seen him read it is haltingly, like a fourth or fifth grader who is still trying to parse out the sound of the words. Some have said that it is because he refuses to wear glasses. I don’t think so. He’s not squinting to try and focus, like someone would do who needed glasses. He is staring wide-eyed at the paper. His head bobs back and forth haltingly as he tries to understand what he is looking at and to pronounce the words before speaking them.
I conclude that he basically can’t read, and what he does read he won’t understand, so what’s the point of reading? This has led to his not knowing that the corona virus was coming. He was warned in the PDB repeatedly since early January.
There is an assumption by many of us that the government is working on things. Things to keep us safe, like stopping pandemics, quack medicine from getting on the market, or bad food from being distributed.
All this is now in question. This administration did not stop this virus from spreading. Their lack of action here and worldwide caused this pandemic. Don’t believe me? How many people died in the United States from the Ebola outbreak in Africa when Obama was President?
Two. Two people died from Ebola here in the U. S. Of A. Why? Because our President sent thousands of workers and tons of supplies to West Africa to help. Remember the Republicans were screaming to shut the country off from those African nations, not to go help them and in so doing help ourselves.
Let’s compare what Obama did with Ebola to what Trump and his administration have done with Corona virus. Let’s start at the number of dead in the U.S. This is a test question, “Which is better 2 dead or over 50,000 dead?” If you said, “Two,” you would be correct. If you said, “What does that mean?” or “Well, it depends,” or “It’s not his fault.” Then you’d be a Trump supporter. Just to be clear – having two dead from a deadly disease is better than 50,000 dead.
So let me ask – “Has this president kept us safe?” (Answer: NO.)
“Has he stopped a pandemic? “(Answer: NO.)
“Has he stopped quack medicine from entering our country?” (Answer: NO.) In fact, he has pushed quack cures forcing companies to take up major PR campaigns to stop people from potentially killing themselves with their products based on this president’s recommendation.
“Has he stopped bad food from being distributed?” (Answer: No. But small “o” because he hasn’t taken active measures to let bad food be distributed, or has he?
Here is where I don’t know, but we might know real soon. The president’s use of the War Powers Act to try and force meat packing plants to stay open might be a way to infect the whole country with corona virus. I don’t know if the virus can remain alive on packed meat that is kept packaged and cold.
According to the FDA- There is currently no evidence linking food or food packaging and COVID-19 transmission, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
This is from Google via the Internet. Don’t you feel better? In the same article*, next paragraph.
Dr. Ryan Westergaard, chief medical officer with the Bureau of Communicable Diseases at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, said while they can’t be 100 percent sure about COVID-19, other respiratory illnesses usually do not spread through eating food.
This is from Google via the Internet. Don’t you feel better?
* Here’s the link:
What this says to me is 1) They don’t know or aren’t telling 2) They haven’t really studied it so it’s an open question.
Back to the question of what the president does all day. I suggest that he wanders around, half hearing stuff and then repeats whatever he has heard of thought about at his daily Covid conference.
A good case in point was his remark that the U.S. Would soon be up to the five million mark in daily testing. No one in any position to know has said that. What one official had said earlier in the day was “Twenty million? We won’t even be able to do testing on five million.” (I’m paraphrasing)
Well looked there. The word “testing” and “five million” are used pretty close together. Good enough to repeat at a national press conference don’t ya think? Besides, if he gets caught he says, “I don’t know. That’s what I heard.” Like some child on the playground.
There’s more. A lot more to say on the current state of this pandemic, but for now:
Stay Home,
Wash Your Hands,
Be Vigilant.
This ain’t over.
185 Days until the election on November 3rd
265 Days until the Inauguration on January 20, 2021
PS Autumn Meditation, Georgio Chirac, 1913. As displayed in Mexico City.