Tuesday, October 29, 2024
I am going to be pulling from four sources:
A Fox News Sunday show,
John Oliver’s last show,
60 Minutes,
Rachel Maddow’s last show.
We often watch sports. Those programs are often on Fox. When I turned on the TV Sunday morning it was on Fox. It was a panel discussion. What was surprising to me was there were people on there talking rationally about Kamal Harris. I didn’t recognize any of them. Then I remembered what Trevor Noah said about Fox. That it’s like Waffle House. It’’s fine during the day, but as night comes on it gets weird.
John Oliver examined the basic tenets of Trump’s campaign. Trump said he was going to deport millions of immigrants and this they claimed would free up housing and jobs for real Americans and the economy would be better off. None of this is true. In fact, Oliver pointed out – just the opposite. About one third of construction jobs are done by undocumented immigrants. And this holds true for a higher number of agricultural jobs. What would the effect be? Economist estimate that it would have an effect on the economy big enough to throw us into a recession. Housing would shrivel because the workers are gone. Same for food prices. Oh and then there’s the repeated claim that immigrants are bringing crime and drugs. However, the statistics show just the opposite. And to be fair only one state keeps such records – Texas. Undocumented immigrants committed 50% less crimes than the general population – ie “real Americans.” So, if you want crime to go down … nevermind.
60 Minutes interviewed the guy in the last Trump administration that was in charge of separating families and deporting them. ie the kids in cages stuff. The interviewer said that the analysis by people familiar with such things (economists? government administrators?) said that the cost of deporting a million people a year would be $88,000,000,000.00. That’s eighty eight billion dollars. This would include building facilities, hiring guards and other personnel, feeding and transporting. His response was, “What price do you put on national security?” Well, lemme think about that. Somehow, I figure if we look at what Oliver pointed out that food costs would go up, housing would shrivel, and we’d be thrown into a recession and add to that 88 billion plus all the bad press and grief we’d inflict on people – I’d say that would be a definite detriment to national security.
But they aren’t talking about deporting a million people, they are talking about 13 million. Let’s do a little multiplication 13 x 88,000,000,000 = 1,144,000,000,000.00. That’s one trillion one hundred and forty four million dollars to deport 13,000,000,000 people.
However, there’s another tiny problem. When the rip kids out of their parents’ arms guy was asked about separating families: some American citizens and some undocumented, he said no. That wouldn’t have to happen. He could deport them all.
So my question is – if say a woman came here, overstayed her visa, worked illegally, married some dude, had a kid with him, brought her parents over too, would you deport all of them? The woman, the kid, the dude, and her parents?
Now it may seem harsh, but you know what? I could get behind that plan. Let’s start by making an example. Who could we pick? Put on your thinking caps. Someone famous. Someone who married someone who overstayed their visa. … Hum. Well, if the Republican Party won’t handle the situation. If the U.S. Congress won’t do it. If our judiciary is stymied, maybe our immigration service can throw the bastard out.
Just sayin’
Picture if you will:
Today members of the INS carried out raids at Mar-a-Lago, The Trump Winery, and several undisclosed locations. Aside from most of the staff at Mar-a-Lago and the workers at Trump Winery being detained. Mr. Trump, his sons, his wife and her parents were taken into custody under the new “Take them all” policy. Mrs. Trump who entered the country under a temporary work visa and overstayed her visa was deemed to be here illegally. She had received a “genius visa” exemption, but that was invalidated. “She ain’t no genius,” one of the agents responded. However, others disagreed saying that to move from a Russian provincial state to here was pretty genius. However, under the “no exceptions” clause of the new U.S. policy …