Thursday August 26, 2021
I always thought a petard was a sort of spike, turns out it’s a small bomb. The phrase hung or hoisted on one’s own petard refers to the bomb maker blowing himself into the air.
And that’s kind of appropriate today as I revel in the fact that nine of Trump’s lawyers have been recommended for disbarment. This is rarely done, but their behavior was so egregious that a judge recommended that this be done.
Among them is Sidney Powell who I have to wonder if she is on some sort of alternate reality drug. Part of what the judge said was you can’t come into a courtroom and make outrageous claims. You can’t lie to the court. And, you can’t bring a suit for the purpose of undermining our democracy, having no intention of winning and making no factual claims.
Imagine that! Now one of the lawyers is trying to say, “Hey, it ain’t me.” Claiming he was not really part of this cabal of nine. The problem with his claim is that in another one of their outrageous lawsuits he claims he was.
I assume that none of the lawyers got paid, because the orange one always cheats people, like Rudy. So, not only will they get disbarred; they won’t get paid.
Speaking of Rudy, disbarred in New York and D.C., one of his compatriots – Lev, has pleaded guilty to something.
I keep waiting for these idiots and con-people to go to jail. One thing DJT has shown is that if you fight the law you can delay and or win.
I want to see him in an orange jump suit. I think it will go well with his hair and skin tone.
Meanwhile, the greatest airlift in American history continues – 82,000 have been taken out of the country. Yeah, it could have been done better, but it’s better than any other time in our history.
Then there is the fascinating drama of people taking that horse dewormer because they were told it works against Covid. It doesn’t. Fox News keeps telling its viewers it does. But there is something that works. Yet, they keep pushing this idea of a deep state conspiracy. Imagine if they had been truthful. I think Laura Ingraham and the bunch should be brought up on involuntary manslaughter charges.
I also think that hospitals should refuse to treat unvaccinated people. That would solve the overcrowding problem. Where should those sick and dying people go? To Rupert Murdock’s home and Tucker Carlson’s and Fox News’ studio. I mean they have the answers right?