Friday July 29, 2022
I’ve written several screeds this week and haven’t posted because they are unfinished.
From Josh Hawley trying to act like a tough guy selling a mug with his fist raised picture and then being informed it’s a copyrighted picture. To Ted Cruz walking out onto a platform with eight colored smoke machines and an announcer talking about Ted like he’s in wrestlemania. As Seth Myers so aptly put it, “talk about blowing smoke up your ass …”
Then there’s this little tidbit – since Reagan the tax cuts the Republicans have pushed through have enriched the super rich and cost the middle class fifty trillion dollars. That’s $50,000,000,000,000.00! Is that enough? Not for the super rich. They want more. Our kids are forced to take on huge debt to pay for their education. We have the worst care for women having babies of any industrialized country and yet there are these politicians who are pushing to reduce even more. Moving money from public schools into religious and other programs. We are boiling ourselves to death in an every heating world and yet there are now false claims about solar being bad. Then there’s the abortion ban stuff.
OMG. Why are politicians getting involved with this? Leave people alone. Isn’t that what their supporters put on their license plates? “Don’t Tread on Me”? Yet, when it comes to a woman they are ready to step all over her body.
In Indians the right to kill a woman group who use the false term “right to life” say they are protecting the lives of the unborn who don’t have a voice. That’s horse pucky. They aren’t protecting the lives of unborn chickens are they? Some of these folks use pictures of little fetuses to try and suggest that’s the way the cells look at a few weeks old. They don’t look like a little baby; they look like a glob of cells. Similarly, they pass laws saying when you hear a heart beat, ignoring the fact that the sound that is heard is not a heart beat because at the time that biological sound is heard the heart hasn’t formed.
Leave people alone! My god. That’s something I would think people could agree on. Apparently, they do. However, politicians are set on trampling on people’s rights.
Why is never clear to me.
Common sense and “working across the aisle” has been replaced with a scorched earth policy by the Republicans. This by the way is the way it has been for decades. The difference now is that they won’t for anything. Meanwhile, our kids are uneducated and in debt. Our planet burns. Our people are massacred, Our population is sick and unhealthy but that’s okay because a few have rigged the system to give themselves a big bag of money.
It’s sad.
God, it’s even depressing writing about it.
Oh yes and then there’s the overthrow attempt by our former president. He is the odds on favorite to win the Republican nomination. Apparently, even if you are a declared candidate you could be arrested and thrown in jail.