Day 933 Saturday July 27, 2019
466 Days until the 2020 election and 548 days until the Inauguration
Dateline Amsterdam

Yesterday we visited Anne Frank’s House.
If you plan on going get tickets two months or more in advance because they sell out.
At 8:30 on the morning of, they release the last 25% for the day. (It’s says 9am but the queue starts at 8:30, by 9:00 am it is several hundred long. You may get dropped too. I did when I was #6. Then again I got timed out. Finally, I got tickets.
Everyone from America should visit the Anne Frank House. It is where she hid with her family and four others. There was a bookcase that served as a door to the secret annex. It is where she wrote her diary, which her father found upon returning from the concentration camps. He is the only one of the eight that survived, 120,000 of his country folk did not.

It is sad. It is poignant, and it is happening again. It is happening in our country. We are rounding up “the others,” putting them in cages, starving them, humiliating them, torturing them.
What Anne wrote has become the face of the holocaust. The house is the embodiment of the suffering and the hope. How close they came to making it. D-Day had happened. When they were discovered they were put on the last train to what ultimately became their deaths.
It started out slowly. First, they were identified. Then they were restricted. Then they were taken.
Through all this, as I went from room to room and I listened to the stories, I could see the face of Stephen Miller. He is the new Goering, the new Goebels, the new Eichman – the new face of evil.
466 Days until the 2020 election and 548 days until the Inauguration