Day 1158 We Need Regime Change(or “Throw the Rascals Out!”)
Friday November 29, 2019
341 Days until the 2020 election and 426 days until the Inauguration
Somehow my count got screwed up. It happened on my John Bolton post. It’s been corrected. Now, it brings me in line with what I’ve been counting down. Not saying it’s right, but it’s close enough for now. I have however been thinking a lot about Trump’s “No Quid Pro Quo” statement.
We now know that he knew about the whistleblower complaint at that time. In other words, he knew he had been caught and that it was about to come out and be made public.
We also know that on the day he had the phone call with the new Ukrainian president and that he initiated the halting of military aid to Ukraine. This was also the last day that anyone at OMB who wasn’t a political appointee had anything to do with the Ukraine aid. Subsequently, two OMB professionals (i.e. not political appointees quit, rather than be mixed up in what was an illegal activity.)
It was at that point in time that Gordon Sondland called the president and Trump, seemingly out of nowhere said, “No quid pro quo.” When, in fact, that’s exactly what it was.
We even have a photo of Trump’s talking points, which look like they were written in crayon (okay black Sharpie) by an eighth grader. (I wonder if it’s the same Sharpie he used to doctor the hurricane map.)
The president’s attempts to cover his tracks, his gas lighting, are so clumsy and amateurish that it’s laughable. Yet, we have Jim Jordan hanging his hat on it. We have Devin Nunes saying Russian disinformation talking points – verbatim. We have Fox News putting up the opposite of what is being said (ie “Sondland says, ‘No Quid Pro Quo’ “ When he was tetifying, “There was a quid pro quo.”) We have Lindsey Graham and Mike Pompeo saying they have to investigate Joe Biden or follow up any leads – but they are all Russian disinformation leads promoted by the far right. The list goes on and on.
The question looming is, “What will happen when the vote for impeachment and removal from office comes to the floor of the Senate?” Will it? Will Mitch figure out a way to block it? Will the Republican Senators vote on an obvious case based on the facts?
In some ways maybe it doesn’t matter. I am hoping that regardless of the vote enough people will say they’ve had enough of their lies, their misdeeds, their ignoring the obvious facts and the truth that a child can understand and vote them out of office.
I don’t care if you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent or Green/Purple/Blue party. What has been going on is criminal, unconstitutional and it’s destroying our values, our standing in the world and everything we have stood for. We are watching the crumbling of the great American experiment.
I have just returned from Egypt. We are highly regarded there. We are also respected in France and Germany and Indonesia and Japan and Mexico – all places I have visited in the last year. But people are wondering, “What is going on?”, “Why?” They ask me. “Why is your president [fill in the blank]?” They say, “It makes no sense.”
What can I tell them?
They’re right.
I say, “You aren’t using the ‘L-word’ Logic, are you?” Some don’t understand the phrase at first.
Then they go back to “Why?”
Can you explain it?
haven’t wages risen?
are the rich getting so much richer?
are we going deeper and deeper in debt?
are our farmers going out of business in record numbers?
are our manufacturing jobs going away?
are we ignoring the rising temperatures of the Earth?
does our health care cost so much?
and our health outcomes so bad?
did our president desert our allies in Syria?
does he want to pull out of NATO?
does he appear so weak around Putin?
are republicans bending over backwards to support him?
is he allowed to break the law and nothing is done?
It’s time to get rid of the lot of them.
I don’t care what your political affiliation is, or your beliefs.
It’s time for regime change – here in the U. S. of A.
341 Days until the 2020 election and 426 days until the Inauguration
PS My Egyptian trip summed up in one photo (thanks to fellow Egyptologist Denise for the photo)
Shelby was so disappointed not to go and be able to stare at rocks. (NOT!)