Thursday, June 29, 2023
Last night I listened to a lawyer for Michael Flynn talk about Trump’s lawyers’ strategy in the documents case. He said what they are going to do is to try and get one juror to hold out. As I listened to the reasoning I got to thinking that this is the least of Trump’s crimes. What about the other ones? And is this merely a distractive smoke screen?
I thought about Jared. Why did he get two billion from the Saudis? Even the Saudis were stunned at how transactional Jared was. Even more so than his father-in-law. I’m not really sure what transactional means but it seems to mean he’d sell his grandmother for a nickel.
Remember, when Trump got in office it was Jared trying to set up a secret communication with the Russians. Why?
It was also believed that when Khashoggi was murdered by the Saudis that he was investigating Jared’s activities.
Also about that time 66 (or was it 100?) Chinese were killed by their government. All had been working for us. Some thought the information was passed along by Jared via the Saudis to China.
And now Trump wants us to believe that when he was showing a paper with how we would attack Iran if necessary and calling it, “pretty cool” that he was just holding up random papers.
In other news the Supreme Court would not go along with the latest Republican election law idea. Imagine that? Seems the idea that a state legislature could for no reason, other than they didn’t like the result, could over turn the election would not fly with the justices. But it was not unanimous Alito and Thomas thought it was fine.
Howard Dean was on TV last night and said something that I didn’t follow the specifics of, but the implication? Yikes. He said we are close to being in the same position we were just before the crash of ’29. The rich aren’t paying anything and the poor and middle class are getting clobbered. When this happened in Constantinople the middle class took to the hills. Now, I guess the world economy collapses.
The Biden White House has taken to pointing out how good our economy is right now. Imagine if he had gotten the IRS properly funded and the newly hired accountants went after the rich tax cheats?
We are still in Newark. Maybe the flight out won’t get cancelled? They are offering us vouchers to stay as the flight is over sold. Hum. Nine highway circles of Newark or go home? Home is looking pretty good. Maybe. Just maybe we’ll get there tonight.