Tuesday June 30, 2020
124 Days until the election on November 3rd
204 Days until the Inauguration on January 20, 2021
We are now at a crossroads, and I’m surprised how quickly it evolved.
It started on Friday, late in the day. There was a report that Russia had been paying the Taliban in Afghanistan to kill American troops. It was also reported the Trump knew about it.
Trump tweeted that it wasn’t true. He called it The Russian Hoax and, of course, Fake News. But then the reports kept coming in. The sources grew. The White House tried to push back. They said the president wasn’t informed because the sources weren’t credible, that he hadn’t seen it. Was it in his Daily Brief? Well, he doesn’t read his daily brief and if he wasn’t orally told then he didn’t know. Was he told? No comment.
At this point the discussion switched to how could we know if he knew? Well, it turns out that everything the president sees is stamped and dated. If it was in The Daily Brief one could also look there and see if it was in fact there.
By Monday it was clear that someone had seen it high up and there was a report that SEAL Team 6 had raided a Taliban stronghold and recovered $500,000.00. The reporting that the reports weren’t credible were melting away. Now the conversation switched to “if the president wasn’t informed who was?” and “Were the people around the president so scared to tell him that they didn’t? Or was it that he in fact knew and did nothing?” The consensus seems to be that he knew and did nothing. For how long? Four months.
Four months the president knew that Putin had been ordering and paying for the killing of American troops and what had the president done in that time? He had had six calls with Putin. He had asked once again to let Russia back into the G7. He had pulled troops out of Germany, which is what Russia has wanted for decades, and we got nothing.
It is so bad that the Republicans against Trump, known as The Lincoln Project, have run a very negative ad about all this. That pales in comparison to what a Veterans organization ad looks like. That ad has stamped in big capital yellow letters “TRAITOR”.
Veterans voted two to one for Trump. Do you think they will this time?
There are those who think the Corona Virus is a hoax perpetrated by the Dems to try and steal the election from Donald. I wonder what they are spinning in their brains to explain this? Frankly, I don’t care, but still…
What else has Donald done? I think he’s played golf with Lindsey Graham. And he tweeted a video of a guy riding by in a golf cart yelling “White Power.” What’s the excuse? He didn’t hear the guy yelling “White Power.” The only problem with that excuse is that it is the only thing that one can hear on the audio. Maybe, he had the sound down? Yeah, let’s go with that.
Meanwhile Mike Pence went to Texas where he sat in a mega church and listened to a hundred plus person choir singing to a packed no mask wearing congregation. No the choir wasn’t wearing masks either. So let me break that down for you. The head of the White House Corona Virus Response Team was in an indoor event with hundreds perhaps thousands of people packed shoulder to shoulder spitting on each other.
Mike was supposed to go to similar events in Florida and Arizona but he cancelled them, not the trip, just going to the spitting event. I guess they figure they need every vote they can get in those states and if the people get sick now they may die before the election and won’t be able to vote. Let’s not forget that the leading states in the huge upward curve of Corona Virus infections are Texas, Florida, and Arizona. Those states have Republican governors. Why aren’t my right wing friends putting up memes and charts and “I bet no one will repost this” signs on Facebook about this?
Speaking of Facebook, they’ve been losing advertisers over the Black Lives Matter stuff, because Facebook has done little or nothing to stop the hate lie speech on their platform. But don’t worry they’ve got a team on it. Yeah, their team is calling advertisers asking them not to drop them as an account. Facebook hasn’t changed their behavior around getting rid of hate speech.
So now what?
Isn’t it interesting that when it comes to standing up for our troops, for defending our freedoms, and pointing out unpatriotic behavior it is what is described as the liberal media that is doing it? Where’s Fox News? Where are the Rush Limbaugh’s and the Alex Joneses? Why they are still sucking the rear end of Trump?
We now have a clear choice: do you support the troops or do you support the killer in chief?
There is another question and that is why would Putin do this? There is much evidence that Russia is very conflicted on whom they would want to be President. They don’t like disorder and protest. Trump seems to foment that, so there is a good case to be made that they would prefer Biden.
So why would Putin do this?
I think the answer is simple and obvious.
Because he can.
124 Days until the election on November 3rd
204 Days until the Inauguration on January 20, 2021
PS What are you looking at? (Duck, Duck, Goose)