Thursday January 28, 2021

I’m really liking this new administration – for its boredom.
Jen Piss-Saw-Key or whatever her name is as press secretary is cool calm and answers questions. There is no anger, no fibbing. Her most excited was the first day when she was asked about the President’s overseas schedule. ( “We’re seven hours in and you want to know about a world tour?” ) It was so refreshing.
The other day the Covid team had a video call. There was good information there. The optics were terrible. When I mean optics I mean the lighting. It looked like everyone was in a bat cave with one bulb lit over to their right. One guy had the sound playing through his speakers while he talked so you got the old muddled echo effect – very nice.
We are now seeing what Biden’s Chief of Staff said they would do and that’s release the second shot stockpile and give it out as first shots. Why? Because Satan’s team didn’t get very many people vaccinated so the Biden team can use their second shot supply and replenish the little bit that they will need to cover those who did get it.
We also heard they are moving the target for total number of vaccinations per week up and hope to raise it again.
Reporters in the press conferences are asking the same questions in different ways over and over again. Just like the old days! So boring; so refreshing.
We heard from the newly formed Climate Change Team. That woman with the strong Boston accent is on it. She takes no guff. Kerry is on it. He helped with the Paris accords which we have rejoined.
Goals are being set. Ambitious but doable. So great.
Commentators are beside themselves with the national vaccination plan. Not the plan specifics, but the fact that there is a plan. Some reporters were asking Jenn (or is it Jan) Winipisocki (or whatever her last name is) why don’t we know how much vaccine we have and where it is? My response would have been, “Listen you idiot, We’ve been at this a week. The last group were complete bozos and it’s taking awhile to find all their nooks and crannies of incompetence.” But no, that’s not what she did. She gave some bland logical explanation. So nice.
Then we get to the Republicans in the House and the Senate. OMG. Marsha Blackburn, the dumbest woman in the Senate, thinks Biden is signing too many executive orders. Hey Marsha, Tough Noogies. If there was any sign you and your colleagues were willing to do anything maybe he wouldn’t sign so many.
Susan Collins, the most pseudo-naive member of the Senate, has said she doesn’t like Chuck Schumer because he ran a nasty campaign against her. Aw, Susan, so sorry to hear your feelings are hurt. I was in Maine some of that time. I saw your ads. Were they nice? No, Susan they were not. You know when you run pictures with black backgrounds and yellow lightning bolt lettering and put put pictures of AOC and say socialism and then say your opponent is too dangerous – that isn’t nice. Your opponent had the gall to state your record. How you were the deciding vote on Brett Kavanaugh, and how you pretend to be for women’s rights but when push comes to shove you screw them. That’s nasty? I guess being reminded of all the crap you’ve done could be construed as that. Too bad. Grow up.
Then there’s Kevin McCarthy. He wanted to be House Speaker years ago. That disappeared when he announced he was going to work with or do something with a non-existent country. Seems he failed 6th grade geography and probably a bunch more subjects. Not the brightest bulb for sure. He’s joined the crew saying January 6th was no big deal and we shouldn’t impeach Satan over it.
I think David Frump put if best when he said that in the history books there will be dates kids will be told to remember: Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and January 6th. This will not be washed away with a comment about how dirty and corrupt Trump was. No, this will be a where-were-you-when moment. It will be remembered how these Senators and Congressional folks voted and acted. This will affect us for decades.
And old Kevin? He’s gone down to Mir-a-Lago. What for? People ask. Some speculate it’s to try and convince Trump not to start another party. Not to split the Republican Party. Stupid Kevin. You still think Donald gives a sh*t. He doesn’t. He hasn’t. He never will.
It snowed here last night. The rooftops were barely covered. The grass was bent over but you could still see green. The streets were bare, wet but bare. I remember my dad talking about a snow storm in ’48, in Connecticut. It reached the height of the front porch. That’s three feet or so. It crusted over and my brother walked out on the snow without falling through. (Couldn’t have been ’48. My brother was born in October of that year. Maybe they slide the basinet down the hill? Any rate, I remember it as ’48. I wasn’t born til ’50. Maybe it was ’49?)
We never had another snow like that. We had some big ones, but not that big. Ever year the snowstorms got smaller. As a kid I guess I knew then that the climate was changing.
In sixth grade I remember reading a story about a young girl who did something in school she was embarrassed about. She went home and began to tell her mom. It was Vermont, and her mom was working evaporating water off maple syrup trays. It was hot work. Her mom interrupted her daughter and asked if she really wanted to tell her all this, because she didn’t have to. That was a revelation to me.
The mom gave her daughter some hot maple syrup which she took outside and poured it on the freshly fallen snow. It made little strings of candy maple syrup, which she ate.
I have tried to do that multiple times. I’ve never come close. It’s hard because you have to get out there before the little black bugs show up and the dogs piss on it. When I’ve poured hot maple syrup on snow it’s melted through and disappeared. I wonder if this was the author’s imagination about something that doesn’t really work, like the graphic artists who draw kites bridled in a way that they would never fly. I don’t know.
I found that story a few years ago. It’s still around.
It makes me hopeful. Hopeful for a world that maybe never existed perhaps, but at least there is a tad of goodness.
If the former president isn’t convicted and barred from ever running for office he will try again. He will screw up the country more. It’s a minority of people, but a deadly minority. Will the Republican senators do the right thing? Have they ever?
The odds aren’t good.
Hot syrup disappearing in the snow.
Let your elected representatives know how you feel. Look at the FBI list of people who assaulted our democracy. See if you recognize anyone.

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