Friday December 18, 2020 (7 days til Christmas)
Election Day -45
34 Days until the Inauguration on January 20, 2021
We are getting close enough to the Inauguration that I’ll soon have to check my count to see if I’m still on track. Close enough for now.
In old news the Russians hacked our government systems back in March and have been rooting around since then. We just discovered it. Maybe, our cyber security folks were distracted with trying to keep our election process safe? Oh well, we fired that guy so never mind. Onward to a new crisis. This new one fabricated, we think, by you-know-who and his administration. It’s hard to tell at the moment.
Reports started coming in yesterday that the states promised allotments of vaccine from Pfizer were being reduced by about 30%. Seems every state was informed. Why? Governors, hospitals, and people asked. No answer was forthcoming. Then Secretary Azar made an offhand comment that Pfizer was having trouble making enough vaccine. Reporters checked with Pfizer. Imagine that! Hey, guess what? Pfizer says they have no problems making the vaccine. They’ve got millions of doses sitting on the shelf. But they haven’t been told by OUR GOVERNMENT where to ship it.
What’s going on? Time for rampant speculation.
But first – Mike Pence was shown getting the vaccine. This is I guess supposed to instill confidence. Fucker, he jumped the line. Where was I? Oh yes.
Someone had to notify the states that their ration of the vaccine was being cut. Who did that? And why? To quote SNL’s Kate McKinnon “We don’t know that.”
I wonder if there is a mad scramble within the Trump administration to fix this problem or are they just going to do a press release saying Hugo Chavez is to blame? Or George Soros? Yeah, blame Soros.
Are the herd immunity let ‘em all get infected clashing with reality once again? That seems the most likely, I mean how can everyone get infected if they are protected? (Jesse Jackson would like that line.)
Whatever it is, it is cruel and in most administrations unusual but here with these folks? Business as usual.
I am reminded of that general in the Civil War who dug a tunnel under the Confederate troops, had a giant bomb planted, blew a huge crater and then had his men charge into the crater and be picked off by the remaining Confederate soldiers standing at the rim. Said Lincoln of that general, “Only he could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.”
Where’s that general who was on the Sunday Morning Show a few weeks ago showing how ready the government was to distribute the vaccine? Why has he not shown his head above the foxhole? What is going on?
Meanwhile the second vaccine from Moderna was approved by the FDA advisory board. The vote was 20-1, which is better than the vote for Pfizer.
Gee, that’s great. Maybe old Operation Warp Speed can figure out by Monday how to print shipping labels and give Moderna and Pfizer quantities to ship somewhere? Or are we going to let more people die to save them via herd immunity?
Meanwhile there was a big Christmas party that Mike Pompeo threw. Nine hundred people were invited, seventy showed up, which is probably a good thing because they could then practice social distancing. Hope they brought some doggie bags to take home some of the hors d’oeurves. Mike didn’t attend because he was self quarantining. I think Mike is wrapping up his time as Secretary of State in a way befitting of him – screwed up, uncaring, and out of touch.
Bill Barr is – no wait – it’s Satan wants an investigation, a special prosecutor, to look into Hunter Biden’s taxes. This is a swell idea. I hope they appoint the Special Prosecutor. See, they cleverly think that by so doing Joe Biden can’t stop it. They are probably right. But if they do it I hope that the new AG expands the scope so we can look at all the children and relatives of politicians who may of gotten jobs from foreign governments in return for possible access to the president or others of influence. Can anyone say Jared? Don Jr.? Ivanka? Yes, I think it would be most interesting.
Meanwhile that paragon of the Senate, the newly elected “There are three branches of government?” Tommy Tuberville has said that he may challenge to Electoral College results on January 6th (or 5th? Whatever.) I think this is another swell idea. If he does it, and there is an idiot in the House that will do Satan’s bidding, then this forces a vote. Republicans will have to stand by their man (Trump) and who he is helping (Putin, Iran, North Korea, etc.) or they will have to stand with the American people and democracy.
Voting is going on in Georgia for the two Senate seats. It is supposed to be a close race. Either lying thieving David Perdue and lying thieving Kelly Loefler will win or the good and righteous Raphael Warnock and the good and righteous Jon Ossofff will win. Fortunately, as you can tell, I don’t have dog in this fight. Either our democracy survives or it all goes to shit and it depends on Georgia. I hope Stacy Abrams has done enough to defeat these MFing lying PsOS. Apparently, there have been more votes cast in the first three days of early voting than in the first three days of the Presidential election. Also, more absentee ballots were requested this time. This should bode well for Democrats. Mike Pence flew down to assure the people of Georgia that they would be watching this time to prevent the election from being stolen. Good idea Mike! Apparently, they will be keeping a close eye on all those Republican officials that counted the ballots three times for Donnie in the Presidential election. I’m sure the guy who is now governor, who stole the election from Stacy Abrams, is pleased by that.
Meanwhile the death toll from the virus continues to climb and – I love this – protestors in some state (Utah? Idaho? Wisconsin? I forget) protested outside the capital building about the mask mandate that legislators were considering. The anti-maskers won due to intimidation. Good job guys, more will now die due to your efforts. Live free or die? You pick death? Okay.
Speaking of Wisconsin, Ron Johnson, the Senator from that state, who looks like a normal guy until he opens his mouth held a hearing earlier this week to review election fraud. This was said to be embarrassing because there was none. Hopefully, he got to the bottom of “it” and will be issuing a report. I assume he will use the Nunes/Chavitz/the guy with the wacky hair. What was his name? The one who got schooled by Comey about the law? Model of redaction?
I’m looking for something like a statement like this:
“Based on all the evidence we can say without a doubt that there was XX election fraud.”
The XX represents the letters of the alphabet that are redacted. Can you guess what those letters might be? If you said, “Suck It.” You don’t understand the question. Only two letters? Go ahead. Best guess. First letter “N” second letter “O.” You are correct!
But that redaction won’t be made available to the general public for like “ever.”
Oh wait, until January 20th? Got it.
PS The Sloth Mode “press my paw” toy. The perfect Christmas gift for those hard to buy for folks on your Christmas list.