Day 519 Friday June 22, 2018 1,059 Days to Go
Whew. Okay. Hum. Well, let’s see, where to begin? I think with the video of Trump sitting with his arms wrapped around his chest while sitting at a table while saying, “The Democrats have no ideas.”
I was struck by the pose. It’s a protect your chest while your balls are exposed sort of position. Combine that with Trump always lies and what do you have? A scared, little man. Okay, let’s break it down.
Was he lying? Of course. His pitch on the immigration crisis he created is “it’s the Dems fault, if only they’d come to the table and negotiate.” It’s Trump’s fault. The Dems did come to the table. They’ve been to the table on this issue with Trump and had a deal. They’ve been to the table with the Republicans in Congress and had a deal. Both times the other side backed out.
Remember when Pelosi and Schumer went to the White House? They gave Trump his wall; and he gave them DACA? Yeah, then two days later Trump backed out. Remember when in 2013 the Senate passed an immigration bill? The bill went to the House for a vote. They had the votes to pass it and the Speaker refused to bring it to a vote? That would have been John Boehner.
This week moderate Republicans in the House had a bill done on immigration. The Freedom Caucus wanted some things changed. They changed them. Then they wanted more stuff changed. This went on several times until the moderates said no. Now the Freedom Caucus can wail about whatever, but the point is they negotiated in bad faith. They kept “moving the goalposts.” Hum, sound familiar? It should. It’s the same thing the Republicans did to Obama on health care. Barrack took an idea from the very conservative Heritage Foundation. An idea that had been passed in Massachusetts by their Republican governor Mitt Romney and Obama ran with it. The Republicans kept demanding changes, kept “moving the goal posts.” Obama kept agreeing. When it came time for a vote, not a single Republican voted for it. And what are their biggest complaints about Obamacare? Why the very things they asked him to put in the bill!
No, the bad faith is with Trump and with the Republicans. They have only themselves to blame.
Then we get to the “it’s not a policy just because we call it a policy. It’s not a policy. It’s something else.” Why? Well, if it is in fact a policy then it is illegal because they didn’t do the proper things to make it a policy. I think they would have needed Senate approval for it to be a policy. What they did was to have Jeff Sessions write a memo in April laying out this policy. They also removed the regulations allowing for immigrants to have lawyers. They had HHS start getting tents ready. This was a conscious planned decision. It’s is theirs and Trump’s. No one else’s.
So where are we in all this? Well, I know you’re going to find this hard to believe but there is chaos. However, the guy in charge of HHS has it all under control. Don’t worry. He’s not worried. He went to his 30th college reunion this past weekend. He said that the parents are in constant contact with their kids. Okay? No problem. This is akin to Albexander Kerensky issuing orders from the Kremlin in the middle of the Russian Revolution and no one was carrying them out.
Meanwhile the GoFundMe set to raise $1500 for bail money for the immigrants has now raised over $17,000,000.00. Folks are upset and trying to figure out how to help. Various airlines have refused to take immigrant children on their planes. There is ample evidence that they have been lied to. There is also a CIA contractor that is making millions flying these kids around.
Meanwhile, the Washington Post has sent out a call for anybody who might know where the government is hiding these kids to speak up and let them know so they can add it to the growing map of locations around the country. In New York City the Mayor was stunned to learn that the Federal authorities had secretly stashed kids in his city. He learned it on the news when a reporter managed to get out at one o’clock in the morning to video kids being moved.
What are the effects of young children being separated from their parents? According to a doctor who has been working with children on the border for years (which btw has nothing to do with the effects. The effects are the same on any child separated from their parents.), a child when separated from their parents becomes afraid. Their body is awash in chemicals that fear causes. This can effect the development of the brain, the organs of the body, in short their whole physical and psychological being. This can happen in a very short period of time 48-72 hours. The longer it goes on, the worse it becomes. Children will become withdrawn, clingy, have problems eating or speaking. They regress and may not ever fully recover.
This has no effect on people in the administration: current or former. Corey Lewendowski’s comment was “Wah, wah, wah.” However, when Peter Fonda having emerged for the first time in two decades said he’d like to see Baron Trump ripped from Melania’s arms and thrown into a cage of pedophiles that was a crisis!
Speaking of Melania, she went to the border, and toured a small facility. She was wearing a $49 overcoat. Who knew she had such a cheap coat. Maybe, she was trying to show she was with the people. That was blown when it was revealed that the back had emblazoned on it in big white letters, “I REALLY DON’T CARE. DO YOU?”
So was she trying to be super cool or super callous? Discuss. Maybe, like her husband, super clueless.
btw We are still waiting on that promised press conference about Melania’s working illegally when she first came to this country. And about her parents that are living here on a visa that says they are super important in contributing to this country?
Insiders in Washington say that there are no meetings or talks to discuss and plan for how to fix the problem they created. Thee administration has denied it. They’ve said it’s under control. They’ve said it isn’t a policy; that it is a policy. That it’s Congress’ fault and they should fix it. That the president can’t do anything about it, like sign an executive order, then he signs one, and says problem solved. They’ve blamed the Dems. Yet the Dems have agreed, multiple times. Now they say if only the Dems will come back to the table put their balls on the table and let us smash them then and only then will they not do anything. No wait, they won’t do anything period.
The goal of this administration is to limit immigration as much as possible. The reason people are coming here from countries in South and Central America is that they are being threatened in their own countries. This administration has no policy for dealing with that. Instead they want to wage a campaign to see if they can be crueler than the drug gangs that have threatened the people who have fled their country.
Hey, I’ve got it. Single out a few people for execution. That tends to send a message pretty quick. Let’s start with Stephen Miller and Corey Lewendowski.
I wonder if the administration would get the message then?
1,059 Days to Go
PS Light at the end of the stairs, but it’s a long climb.
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