Day 500 Sunday June 3, 2018 1,078 Days to Go
“Five hundred days, Five hundred days …” I hear Mary Travers singing that to the tune of Five Hundred Miles the old Peter, Paul, and Mary classic. Ah me.
So many realizations people. They are coming to fruition – or not.
Remember when everyone laughed at sealed indictments? Well, now they’re all the rage. Can’t convict a sitting president and all that? How about the second he’s no longer prez?
Remember when we thought the whole Russia involvement was overblown? Not anymore. There is so much compelling evidence and testimony from credible sources. James Clapper and his book being the latest.
Oh, btw, the Russians are gearing up for this election. What have we done? Nothing.
And it turns out the Koreans of the North are the best hackers in the world. Their teams came in first, second, and third at a global competition. So what if the rest of their country doesn’t have internet? The guy who masterminded that, and the bombing of S. Korean islands, and the break-in at Sony was just in the Oval Office being pals with the orange one. No, he’s not allowed in this country. He’s sanctioned, multiple times. So what? You got a problem with that?
I heard an interesting analysis of Trump voters and why they are sticking with Trump. They think he must have a secret plan. That he knows something they don’t know. It’s kind of a twist on the “well, he’s a businessman” gambit. He’s not a businessman. He’s a con artist, a huckster, and a shyster who was the head of a web of family run businesses. The only real company he ran went bankrupt. But the believers believe! He must know something, they say. I don’t know what it will take for them to wake up and smell the coffee. (as an old pal of mine used to say.) Will it be the increased cost of health care? You know like a few hundred percent, or a thousand? Will it be the continued revelations of people in this administration ripping off the government, lining their own pockets, and not doing their job?
It’s hard to say if ever it will happen.
Fear is a terrible thing. I used to have an example, it went like this, “What if I offered you a Porsche for one dollar, would you take it?” Most didn’t say yes; most asked, “What’s wrong with it?”
The question isn’t what’s wrong with it, but what’s wrong with you?
We need to sign up as many as possible to vote. Ask anyone you can, “Are you registered to vote?”
1,078 Days to Go
PS Love, love, love. All we need is love.