(and croissants)
Friday, October 14, 2022
Yeah, I know the committee, but before we get to that let’s go back a day before.
Herschel Walker is on stage talking. Rick Scott and Tom Cotton are standing behind him smiling. Herschel talks about a bull inseminating three cows in the field. Then the bull jumps the fence and impregnates three more. I wonder if Cotton or Scott were listening? If they were what must they have been thinking? I can see thought bubbles rising up? Or in a video it would be that quiet “thought voice”.
What would either say? (thought bubbles or voice, not Cotton or Scott, well yes Cotton or Scott in the form of thought bubbles or voice. Go on.)
….”What is he saying?”
… “OMG. What am I doing here?”
… “Help! This guy is crazy?”
… “Get me away from here?”
… “Who thought this was a good idea?”
I think Tom Cotton is one of the more despicable people in the U.S. Senate, because he always finds a way to make a bad situation worse. Rick Scott is no better, just more crooked than Cotton. I don’t know where Scott went to school, but every time Cotton is mentioned they say he went to Harvard. DeSantis went to Yale. This is the kind of people these schools are turning out?
At least Walker went to Georgia. He didn’t graduate, even though he said he did. Not sure what that says about Georgia.
I read Walker is worth $73 Million and makes $13 million a year. Not sure what that says about us.
Okay, on to the Committee. The last hearing was kind of boring because it was mostly stuff we had heard before. However, what it did do was firmly show that the person who caused this riot was Trump. Period. Full Stop.
The other thing that we had not seen before was Nancy Pelosi at work. Calmly, trying to get help to defend the Capitol. She was respectful, calm, and working. John Thune was in the picture, standing, rocking from one foot to the other. That’s what I’ve always seen Thune doing – nothing. Just standing in the background. Nancy addressed Mike Pence as Mr. Vice President. Very Respectful. Chuck was a bit more worked up, but he was on the case too.
Pence was elsewhere doing the job of defending the Capitol. Something the President should have been doing but he was leading an insurrection.
Ari Melber had an excellent point in the 8 o’clock wrap up show. If Trump testifies and pleads the fifth to leading an insurrection do you really want that guy in charge of defending the country from an insurrection?
Okay, in related news the new video clip of Nancy Pelosi on Jan 6th trying to get troops to the Capitol shows Steve Scalise standing beside her doing nothing and John Thune in the background rocking from one foot to the other. That was the Republican involvement from Republican members of the House and the Senate in trying to do something to stop the attack on the Capitol. Later, Scalise made remarks saying that people wanted to know if Pelosi had purposely delayed troops getting to the Capitol. Gee Steve, I don’t know. You were standing beside her when she called the Governors of Maryland and Virginia and the Attorney General and others what do you think? What did you do? Oh I remember, you stood and watched her in action. While Governor Hogan (R-MD) hesitated because of authority issues Governor Northam (D-VA) sent help right away. Thank god what’s his name the current governor wasn’t in charge. He would have sent troops to aid the rioters. BTW the current Virginia governor just got back from a trip to Arizona here he plugged for an election denier and Fascist who wants to destroy democracy who is running for governor there.
Then there’s the Secret Service.. These are the folks you contact to find out about electronic emails and stuff. Somehow they deleted all their cell phone records from Jan 5th and 6th and they want you to believe it was routine maintenance. I have an idea. Let’s charge each one of them with sedition and twenty years and see if they can’t recall what was on those texts.
Meanwhile, Alex Jones had a $965 million dollar judgement leveled against him. I thought that this might have been an excessive and punitive judgement, but a Connecticut lawyer says no. This is in keeping with the state law and they haven’t gotten to the punitive phase yet. I think punitive damages are usually three to ten times more. OH no, he’ll have to sell a lot more vitamins and peritoneum wipes!
Maybe he has peritoneum bull wipes, seems that Walker’s bull might need them.
Walker’s Bull – I like that.
It could be a sexual enhancement drug, an IPA, or beef jerky. I know who a guy who will sell it for you!
“Listen people, I’ve never had anything like it. I took some of dat Walker’s Bull and man, I tell you what, I told my wife ‘You better brace yourself!’. After that I went out in the backyard, climbed over the fence and shocked my sunbathing neighbor. In fact, I shocked three in a row. If you act now I’ll throw in a box of wipes. Because trust me – you’ll need them.”
Enough for now.
My absolute favorite thing I saw this week was the video of Pelosi when she learned that the orange a-hole wanted to come to the Capital and said “I hope he does come, I’ll punch him out. I’ll go to jail, and I’ll be happy”.
She’s got more balls than the entire GOP.
I have had to stay out of the news circle to help my Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. It is a real syndrome just so you know. I have had it since 2016. I really appreciate your writing Rick. At least I get caught up and so far no mention of he who shall not be named (my brain twists at the mere mention.) I just wish I could sent him who shall not be named, a bag of puke.