Sunday April 23, 2023
Supreme Court – Alito. He gave a dissenting opinion in the stay on the abortion pill that has been called by legal scholars “detached from reality” and “sounds like a Fox grandpa rant.” He doesn’t make much if any sense. He certainly doesn’t care if it harms or kills millions of women, but that is no surprise because he didn’t give a shit when he argued to strike down Roe. This comes as no surprise to me because I knew he was an unethical twit from the beginning. Let’s recall why W appointed him. It was argued by some that he was a bright legal scholar. (Yeah and Ron DeSantis graduated second in his class and Ted Cruz was on the debate team in college.) But he told W he didn’t have to follow the laws he was signing because there was a part of the Executive Signing that a President can do “that’s never been tested in court.” That was the reason he got appointed. For being a sniveling little legal twit. Now you can argue the fine points all you want, but you can’t argue that on the big issue – i.e. If you sign a law your intention should be to abide by it, not ignore or go against it – that he had any standing.
Then there’s the fact that he lied at his hearing, as did most of the conservative Supreme Court appointees. Maybe all. As did that judge in Texas, who by the way, should never have been appointed, because he lied, like the guy who was supposed to be appointed to that position but didn’t make it because he lied, and this Kacsmaryk lied too, and in the same way.

Then we get to a NewsWeek piece and it’s a fact check thing. A Congressman claimed that Biden has had the best monthly job numbers of any president. NewsWeek says, “Well…” And then lists a lot of reasons why that is only “partially true”:
– he hasn’t finished his term so we really don’t know
– we don’t have data on all the presidents so we really can’t tell
– yes, it’s true since FDR but what jobs are we counting?
– some presidents got hit with a recession or Covid, if that had happened to Biden it would have been different.
To which I say, in order, True, True, True, True. and lastly “So What?”
Biden’s job numbers are off the charts compared to any president since Reagan.
Who do you want leading the country in terms of job growth, Mr Minus 59,000 a month or Mr. Plus 485,000 a month?
Well Mr. -59,000 had the Covid thing, but in his defense he didn’t do crap to help people and caused a economic fight with China that wiped out our farm markets there and killed off our manufacturing.
I call the above dishonest in its assessment.
Apparently Fani Willis has even more damning stuff on Donald than that phone call. Oh gee. Mr. -59,000 is in more trouble?
Keep them coming Rick. It helps my depression.
Come on Fanni, file that indictment!
And the week is starting out well as that lying Nazi fucker Tucker Carlson got fired!!