In the bathroom
not the belfry
Saturday, May 11, 2024
I have a friend, He’s a lawyer. He reads my posts. On the documents case he wrote that if it was anyone but you-know-who they’d be in prison for a long time. and that the case is a slam dunk.
In the New York fraud case, the one currently being held. That case is a slam dunk as well. It’s not about the witnesses, it’s about the documents. From the signed checks by Trump to the written out plan of the crime by the Trump CFO. There’s a salacious component to this one as it involves adultery with a Playboy bunny and a woman who worked as an adult film actress. There’s no question as to what happened. The arguments of the defense are “it’s not a crime,” and “so what?”
In the case of the January 6th insurrection the pity there is he isn’t charged with the most egrigious crime, but once again it would be hard to deny that he isn’t guilty.
In fact, in every case and every time he actually – actually – has a judgement he loses.
He might be the biggest loser in our history. What is the current count on bankruptcies? Seven, I think. How about failed business ventures? What about losing business ventures? (All of them? I’ve never heard of one that made a profit.)
And yet. and yet. He manages to get senators, congressmen, judges and regular people to bend over in both directions (front and back) to aid and abet him. Why is beyond me.
Like Starbucks coffee – I don’t get it.
Every Trump case that I can think of is never about guilt or innocence. The facts speak for themselves. He’s always guilty. The only question seems to be can he bully enough people to skirt the rules?
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