Thursday, January 2, 2025

I Have Everything
Under Control
If you’ve read this far in this post you may have noticed two things:
I’ve started a new numbering system,
The title has the word – rexolutions.
I started writing my screeds when the orange one took office the first time and I counted the days. Then Biden won so I started afresh. I can’t count the days again on this guy. I just started from the beginning of the year – screw it. It’s going to be horrible. How horrible is the only question. this leads to the second thing, my new word – rexolutions. I meant to type resolutions, but that didn’t happen. I was going to change it but again – screw it. Besides rexolutions has a nice rebel ring to it. Maybe it’s rev, maybe it rex. I like it.
Okay, where was I? New years – ah yes. We celebrated in London. That is to say we celebrated at 7 pm EST. Watched their fireworks, and went to bed. There was no discussion about staying up, or setting an alarm. The grandkids are here, or were here, and that’s enough to drive one – to bed. To sleep. Perchance, to review the aches and the exhaustion. We loved it, but egads, they wear you out. How exactly, is hard to say, but they do it.
The trouble in New Orleans with a guy deliberately plowing into a bunch of folks on Bourbon Street was first called a terrorist attack, then not (“oh, must be a white guy.”), then back to terrorist attack with a photo (black guy.) We seem not to be able to solve the most obvious of problems. With the new administration that will get worse. How much worse – again – is the only question.
There is, or has been, a cycle to our collective cultural stupidity. Most of the time we’ve been led by people who don’t really know or should I say identify the underlying problem. Instead, they believe the rhetoric they’ve spouted to get elected. We used to at least agree that there was a problem and identify it. The ways to solve it were varied and we disagreed on how to do it. Now? Ha. We are going to see a bunch of not-so-dimwits, attack things that aren’t real. Some think it’s a smokescreen for “their real agenda.” Now that might be partially true. Or perhaps there are certain things they really care about and the rest they are willing to let go to hell. It’s hard to say exactly. Probably a mixed bag of badness. Regardless, it ain’t gonna help you or me, and it ain’t helpin’ it’s making the situation worse. More on this in the next 1,460 days.
We watched the college football playoffs. Weird how dominant one team can be over another when both teams were thought to be so near the top. My favorite play was when the Arizona guard #77 picked up his fullback, who had been stopped cold, and literally flung him over his own body and put said fullback and football across the goal line.
After that we watched a compilation of inductees into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Wow, mostly old men with long hair playing guitar. I was happy to see Peter Frampton could still play, despite having some muscle disease. I learned about bands I kind of knew of but never really listened to during their heyday. Then the HipHop guys and gal took over. I like the beat of hiphop, but the rest? Eh. They seem angry, but they want your participation and approval. They want to act like they’re poor, and they were, but now? They’re at least millionaires. And Mary J, that outfit? Maybe 30 or 40 years ago, not now.
I was disappointed that they mentioned others inducted and showed John Mayal’s pic and that was it. What? You couldn’t get Eric Clapton to play? Come on.
We should have celebrated in London too. Waited for the ball to drop in NYC and were on the way to bed 30 seconds later. Too old for this shit.
Collective Cultural Stupidity is a perfect term. I’ll be using that one… Thank you.
And, thanks for the calendar!