Day 518 Thursday June 20, 2018 1,060 Days to Go
In 401 BC Cyrus the Younger hired 10,000 Greek soldiers to help him try to win the Persian empire from his brother. The force was deep into the empire when Cyrus was killed in battle. The Greek soldiers had to fight their way out of the Persian Empire.
So what?
What lesson does that have for today?
Before the ten thousand went into the Persian Empire and emerged, it was thought an impossible task.
It gave one Alexander III the idea that it could be done, and in 334 B.C. he did. Thus Alexander the Great invaded Persia and began his ten year war to defeat them. It was at the Battle of Gaugamela on October 1, 331 B.C. that Alexander’s army of 35,000 defeated Darius III’s army of 200,000. It took Alexander two years to chase down Darius. When he did Darius’ own guard killed him, hoping to win Alexander’s favor. He killed them all because if they’d do it to Darius…well.
So the ten thousand provided the spark, the proof, that something thought to be impossible was in fact quite doable.
I wonder if we have come to such a moment in our country? Has the thought that Donald Trump and his administration jailing babies done that? Or was it the pictures of little children crying as their parents are handcuffed and jailed done it? Or the pictures of the groups of people shackled together in orange jump suits standing in a court room done it? Was it the culmination of all these abominations and more?
Have the Trump backers had enough? Are some now saying, “Hey, wait a minute. I didn’t sign up for this!”?
Certainly the spineless Republican representatives in Congress are not saying much. But regular folks are.
Maybe the gleeful attitude in the White House over all the hurt they are causing is starting to lose it’s luster? Well, not for racists like Stephen Miller, but for some others. Trump’s number around his core constituency is dropping, not by much. Some of my right wing buds are posting videos or pictures to try and say, “Well, they did it too.” No. No. they didn’t. They didn’t jail babies. They didn’t create pop-up orphanages.
In other news the administration is proposing combining the Departments of Labor and Education thus destroying both. Hey, why not? They’re kind of useless anyway, right? I guess Betsy DeVos wasn’t destroying public education in this country fast enough for the right wing crowd. Did you see the picture of her last night? She looked beat to crap, tired, haggard. Ya know, even when you are destroying things swinging that sledge hammer all day gets to be tiring.
Forgot to mention, the prez signed something saying don’t separate families anymore. What to do with those separated? They don’t know, but there’s no effort to reunite them.
I was curious about the height of Stephen Miller, Scott Pruitt, and Wilbur Ross. I had seen Ross and Pruitt being interviewed next to someone and they seemed diminutive. I could not find the heights of Miller and Pruitt. Ross is 5’ 8”. When I was looking for Miller’s information I found articles asking if Miller had any friends. The answer seems to be no. He’s not married. His whole life seems to be wrapped up in this hate he has. In college he did have one friend, Richard Spencer, the neo-Nazi. The article said Miller disavowed him. Even that was too much for Miller said the article. I wonder if that is true. Or did he just publicly disavow him for his own personal gain? The policies Miller has tried to institute many say are akin to what right wing hate groups in Europe are in favor of doing. I’m thinking that these three men are suffering from some sort of Napoleonic complex, and Miller seems to be sexually dysfunctional as well. Hey, but it’s just my opinion.
In a story of triumph, a couple decided to do a GoFundMe to raise $1500 for bail money for the immigrants incarcerated. They didn’t raise $1500. By nine o’clock last night they had raised $15,000,000.00!
The administration has asked the Defense Department to provide them with JAGs, military lawyers, to help process all the people the administration has arrested. Is there any government money for the immigrants arrested? Not that I’ve heard. In fact, last month the administration quietly killed a provision that allowed for the funding of lawyers for immigrants seeking asylum. If you have any doubts about how evil this administration is let that stand as evidence. We aren’t talking manslaughter type stuff where they can say, “Oh gosh, I didn’t know, or mean for that to happen.” They planned for it to happen, and they welcomed it when it did. This was pre-meditated. That’s murder. ( Okay, they didn’t kill anyone. Well, not yet. Maybe a few dropped dead, but they didn’t do it. I get that. This is an analogy. A comparison of relationships between two ideas based on parallels or connections. Thought I better spell it out. )
Maybe, the best thing I could do would be to start a GoFundMe to send Stephen to Las Vegas and get him laid. Or send him to Russia so we had it on tape.
1,060 Days to Go
PS Bull!