all different*
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Having finished Cassidy Hutchinson’s book “Enough,” I’ve had some time to reflect.
She’s been brave and she shows what patriotism is. However, why is this so hard? Why is she the only one to do the right thing? Yes, I know many have testified. But many of the principals have been less than truthful. Not recalling or forgetting when in fact they know perfectly well. Why did those people in the first place do such criminal things? Are they dumb? No. Then they are complicit and they know it. The majority of those in the inner circle “in the family” as Cassidy said they call it are all guilty. Guilty of something, maybe it’s being unpatriotic. Maybe, it’s a crime and maybe it’s not, but whatever it is it’s not for the good of the country that they acted.
There are some things that Cassidy wrote that I wish she had expanded on. She said she’s a Romney or Reagan Republican. Okay, what does that mean? Does she like how Romney made a career out of buying companies on the cheap that were in trouble, selling off their assets, and loading them up with debt and then abandoning them? Does she like how Reagan began the great middle class slide by attacking unions and increasing our debt? Or how he struck a deal with the Pope that ended the zero-growth policies and started the movement to force women to have unwanted children? What exactly did she mean?
The only clues were when she was talking about the replacement for Ruth Bader-Ginsberg. She had hoped she wouldn’t have that as another task and thought that finding a conservative, small government person was would be a good thing. She was glad she didn’t have to add that task to her plate and was glad they found that woman – what’s her name. How is picking a person with little judicial experience and a member of a cult earlier in her life a good conservative choice. What is meant by conservatism anyway?
The thing that gets me about these folks calling themselves conservative is that they never seem to address problems of real people. There are these complaints. Maybe it’s immigrants, maybe it’s prices, maybe it’s big government, maybe it’s the debt – but when you get down to it these things are not real or they are at best symptomatic.
Since the advent of Fox and conservative groups buying up many rural TV outlets there are vast information deserts in the U.S. and no real information is available.
Now the ignorant are being weaponized against truth and priciple.
*The reference is to the game of Adventure, back when such games were a character oriented terminal and you interacted using verb-object commands such as “Drop rod”, “Get bird” etc. And the game woud respond with information about your current situation such as being in the maze of twisty little passages all different (as opposed to “the maze of twisty little passages – all the same.”
It is with great regret that it appears Apple has dropped the game of Adventure from its Unix (ie terminal app). What is the world coming to?
It’s my belief that so called conservatives live in the world of ‘it ain’t shoulda been that way’ or some twisted version of very shallow media consumption.
Unable to name a logical fallacy, or have a cognizant argument, they blissfully quote the bumper sticker politics of how bad the other party is, rather than, understanding how to make either or better.
If, indeed, if, more people could realize that tRump was more than willing to actually kill or allow to be killed, his own vice president, and the totality of that really sinks in, we might have a chance, but increasingly, for you to support him, or his ilk, you truly have to be in a cult.
Thank you for pointing out the same questions I had about Cassidy’s party preferences. She didn’t mention the mental institutions Reagan closed and now we encounter them on every street corner and living on the street.
In response to Dean’s point, Trump actually said General Milley should be killed. I just read today where JS is calling Trump out about it. I am aghast at how long this outright criminal and traitor is able to remain free. I find it terribly difficult to sleep at night wondering what is happening to this country.