Friday, September 20, 2024
I don’t see what the big deal is with the Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina is.
It has been revealed that he went on two different pron sites. Said he was a Black Nazi. And discribed himself as a perv.
If you’re a Republican what’s not to like? He embodies everything the modern Republican party has become.
Listen, I’m recruiting a search party to find that big faucet that Donald says is in Northern California. It doesn’t show up on Google, which is strange given how big it is.
I am wondering how the Canadians would like to have their rivers turned into a faucet to serve Trump’s ego. Then again I would hate to see the Columbia river drained for his ego.
Just heard about the black Nazi this morning on the radio. What’s wrong with that picture? Being black and being a Nazi? Hmmm?
Good lord, that faucet thing…What’s next?
I’m thinking that the Black Nazi thing is perfectly ok with them but the penchant for Transgender porn, maybe not so much? They’re stuck with him though…
44 more days!